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Learning Programs

IT Fundamentals for noobs

Fundamental IT concepts, principles, and best practices in technology.

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Programming Languages

Core programming languages and their fundamentals, including JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, and more.

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Web Technologies

Frontend and backend web development technologies, frameworks, and tools like React, Angular, Node.js.

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Mobile Technologies

Mobile app development platforms and frameworks including React Native, Flutter, iOS, and Android.

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Database Technologies

Database systems, query languages, and data storage solutions like SQL, MongoDB, Redis.

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Development operations, CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and deployment strategies.

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Network Engineering

Network protocols, architecture, security, and infrastructure management.

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Infrastructure Engineering

Cloud infrastructure, system architecture, and platform services like AWS, Azure, GCP.

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Web3 and Crypto

Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.

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Project Management

Software project management methodologies, tools, and practices like Agile, Scrum.

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AI and Data Science

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis, and predictive modeling.

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UX and UI Design

User experience design, interface design principles, and design systems.

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Software Engineering

Software development principles, design patterns, architecture, and best practices.

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